Feeling extremely sad and shitting but don't worry my dear I won't break my promise. I'll take it as a long break from everything around. It's time I spend some alone time and get to know myself better. To get my mind off things I should have let go long ago but I couldn't because I care way too much. To learn to not let anything affect me and be happy because I don't live to please others.
To get the fact that nobody will always be there for me when I needed someone in my head. To realise that I'll never be that person they think I am/thought I was. To understand that everyone change and it's ok. To know that I already have all the important things/people in my life and I shouldn't ask for more but cherish all of that.
It's 3AM I should be asleep soundly like you but I can't as usual.. I never expected a heartache to hurt so bad. If only taking panadols help.. I'll get used to this, I know I will.