I received a text this morning and I ran over feeling excited thinking it was Cal until I saw 'M1'. I know he won't be able to use his phone so what am I hoping for? Sigh I'm just giving myself more heartache than I already have..
Yesterday I spend my day at work spacing out a lot, managed to distract myself with the food my colleuages and I brought for work and had a little potluck going on in the shop.
Then I suddenly remember the time when cal make me scramble eggs for dinner.. It's like he's everywhere, even going to the toilet makes me think of him. This is harder than I expect it to be, 3 weeks urgh it's almost 1 month.. Ok I can do this I need to learn to not depend on him so much.
Today I brought rice and scramble eggs w ham to work for brunch & dinner. When you're broke it's no longer funny. Did I mention I made a very good friend at work? No? Ok I just did haha. Working with her makes me look forward to work, her name is Mabel btw. She's too funny and blur, not those bitchy kind so ya I am grateful for her to be my colleuage.
I'm now on the train heading to orchard back to fn to settle my giftcard, this is a chore I'm so not willing to go back there. I just don't like it there and being back there makes me feel very insecure somehow. Just gonna get this over and done with for now. It's 10:23am I'm planning to be late for work because I'm always way too early. I deserve this hahaha ok jokes.
Today will be a good day. I hope.
P.s - I miss you so much )'=